Tucker Carlson formerly hosted shows on MSNBC, PBS, and CNN but joined Fox News full-time in 2013 and hosted Tucker Carlson Tonight from November 2016 until April 2023. Carlson's anti-immigrant commentary echoes white supremacists, fearmongers against immigrants and people of color, parrots men’s rights activists, and often attacks transgender people on his show. Media Matters uncovered audio of Carlson making similarly awful remarks in conversations with radio show Bubba The Love Sponge, reflecting patterns of behavior consistent with his appearances night after night on Fox News. Carlson also launched the right-wing website The Daily Caller, itself plagued with white nationalist connections, in 2010. In April 2023, Carlson and Fox News parted ways.

Tucker Carlson
Former Fox News host; former MSNBC host; former CNN host; former PBS host; founder of The Daily Caller