Does Newsbusters really want to play the TV ratings game?

Does Brent Bozell's right-wing team really want to continue to suggest that television news program, and specifically the nightly network news program, are losing viewers because consumers don't trust the news media? It's seems like a foolish path to take considering it's likely that nobody in the game of TV news has lost more viewers this year than Fox News' Glenn Beck.

Nonetheless, Newsbusters keeps pushing the bogus claims. Here's a recent headline:

ABCBSNBC Lose One Million Viewers Last Quarter

And the so-called analysis:

These numbers are not at all surprising in light of the public's continued distrust of the old media.

First of all, the Newsbusters headline is wildly misleading. (Surprise!) Newsbusters based its report on a ratings item posted by TVNewser, which had this headline [emphasis added]:

Broadcast Evening Newscasts Lose More than 1 Million Viewers in Past Year

Newsbusters clearly leaves readers with the impression that between Q1 and Q2 of this year, the nets lost one million viewers. Not true. What happened was that between Q2 of 2010 and Q2 of 2009, the nets lost one million viewers, which is why TVNewser's headline referred to the “past year.”

But more importantly, why does Newsbusters want to make a big deal about the networks losing a combined one million viewers over the last twelve months when Glenn Beck has lost more than one million viewers all by himself since January.