Coulter blamed Democrats for 9-11, USS Cole attack, embassy bombings

Appearing on FOX News Channel's Hannity & Colmes to discuss the new Bush-Cheney '04 campaign ad that attacks Senator John Kerry's (D-MA) record on intelligence, right-wing pundit Ann Coulter accused the Democratic Party of creating “the worst intelligence agency in the world.” Coulter then blamed Democrats for the September 11 terrorist attacks; for the bombings of the USS Cole and the U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania; and “for 20 years of attacks that have not been stopped.”

From the August 16 edition of FOX News Channel's Hannity & Colmes:

COULTER: Yes, and Kerry is worse than all of them, but this is -- I mean, there's one particular party that has put all sorts of regulations and rules and laws that make it impossible for the CIA to do its job. We have the worst intelligence agency in the world. And one party is responsible for that.


COULTER: I'm not blaming the Democrats for 9-11 alone. I'm blaming them also for the Cole bombing, for the embassy bombings, for 20 years of attacks that have not been stopped. It is indisputable that it is because of regulations that came post-Watergate when Congress was made up of two parties: Democrats and radical Democrats.