FOX carried more of Bush's speech, less of Kerry's than other cable stations

On October 18, President George W. Bush delivered a speech in Marlton, New Jersey, on national security, and Senator John Kerry delivered a speech in Tampa, Florida, on health care. FOX News Channel carried Bush's speech live for 47 minutes -- four minutes more than MSNBC and eleven minutes more than CNN. Before going to live coverage of Kerry's speech, FOX News Channel anchor Martha MacCallum said: “And now we take you directly for fair and balanced coverage in Tampa, Florida, where John Kerry will be speaking moments from now.” FOX then carried Kerry's speech live for just under 10 minutes -- 30 minutes less than MSNBC and 25 minutes less than CNN.

Bush speech 43:27 36:42 47:14
Kerry speech 39:35 35:25 9:40