Limbaugh on Richardson's endorsement: “The lesson for you superdelegates is that you can vote against Hillary Clinton, and for at least four days, you can survive”

On his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh suggested that Sen. Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton would react violently to New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson's endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama, stating: “Governor Richardson is alive and well. ... The lesson for you superdelegates is that you can vote against Hillary Clinton, and for at least four days, you can survive.”

During the March 24 edition of his nationally syndicated radio show, while discussing New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson's endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama for president, Rush Limbaugh announced: "[C]onsider this sort of a shout-out, a PSA to those of you Democrat [sic] superdelegates out there, think of this as a PSA: Governor Richardson is alive and well." Then, suggesting that Sen. Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton would react violently to Richardson's endorsement, Limbaugh asserted:

LIMBAUGH: I repeat: Governor Bill Richardson -- I just saw him on TV -- I know that Governor Bill Richardson is still alive and well four days after an act of what I think was pure betrayal. The Clintons made Bill Richardson who he is, they enabled him to become governor of New Mexico, two cabinet posts, and he betrays them. And yet, four days after this betrayal, and this is a specific note to you superdelegates out there of which Bill Richardson is one, he is still alive. He has survived the weekend. Bill Richardson, I repeat, after an act of betrayal against the Clintons, is hale and hearty. He still has the beard. The lesson for you superdelegates is that you can vote against Hillary Clinton, and for at least four days, you can survive.

Limbaugh has frequently suggested that the Clintons respond violently, even murderously, to those with whom they disagree, the media, and others. Additionally, Limbaugh has frequently suggested that the Clintons murdered White House counsel Vince Foster. In fact, Foster committed suicide on July 20, 1993, at Fort Marcy Park in Northern Virginia.

From the March 24 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show:

LIMBAUGH: By the way, as you know, ladies and gentleman, last week Bill Richardson came off his vacation, not early -- he came off his vacation to endorse Barack Obama for president of the United States. What day was that, Friday? It was Friday. What day is today? Today is Monday. So Friday, Saturday, Sunday -- it's been four days. And by the -- consider this sort of a shout-out, a PSA to those of you Democrat [sic] superdelegates out there, think of this as a PSA: Governor Richardson is alive and well. I repeat: Governor Bill Richardson -- I just saw him on TV -- I know that Governor Bill Richardson is still alive and well four days after an act of what I think was pure betrayal. The Clintons made Bill Richardson who he is, they enabled him to become governor of New Mexico, two cabinet posts, and he betrays them. And yet, four days after this betrayal, and this is a specific note to you superdelegates out there of which Bill Richardson is one, he is still alive. He has survived the weekend. Bill Richardson, I repeat, after an act of betrayal against the Clintons, is hale and hearty. He still has the beard. The lesson for you superdelegates is that you can vote against Hillary Clinton, and for at least four days, you can survive.

Now, I mean, what does this all add up to? Well, what has the media action line been from the early and mid '90s on? Is that Bill Clinton is such a great politician -- our greatest, greatest politician. But Bill Clinton couldn't even get his own protege to vote for his own wife. Talking about Bill Richardson here. And in case the drive-bys didn't get it, he couldn't even get Richardson to not vote for his wife's opponent.

Oh, folks, Operation Chaos is just full speed ahead. No, I'm not leaving Clinton's camp. The point is here, Bill Clinton can't save her. It's up to us, is the point. Clinton can't save her, Richardson's hale and hearty -- he's walking around, he's strutting around, still sporting the beard that he grew on vacation when he was down there somewhere in the Caribbean. It's been four days.