Hour 3: Limbaugh: “Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society”

This hour of the Limbaugh Wire brought to you by Admiral Rush's pirate extermination program
By Simon Maloy

Rush kicked off the final hour with some more attacks on Hillary Clinton, specifically her saying that Iran's latest statements about its nuclear program are not a rebuff to U.S. attempts to engage in diplomacy, and that “we don't know what to believe” about Iran's nuclear claims. Rush suggested that since we don't know, we just take “lunatic” Iranian President Ahmadinejad at his word.

Then it was on to a story on BitterLawyer.com about “one method some women use to get ahead in the corporate world has nothing to do with grades, or professionalism, or hard work -- just fake boobs.” Claiming this story “will set feminism back 50 years,” Rush read extensively from the article, noting that “a recent Bitter Lawyer poll, 58 percent of those asked said that boob implants could only help a woman's career.” Rush concluded: “Can I redirect you to feminist truth number 24 -- undeniable truth of life number 24 -- written by me in the mid-80s? Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society. It's proved practically every day in our modern culture.”

El Rushbo then moved on to the LA Times, noting that the front page of yesterday's Times featured an ad for a new NBC show that looked like a newspaper article, and that LA Times staffers objected to the move. Rush was agitated, because that ad -- the fake “news” story -- was probably more accurate than all the “phony” journalism the Los Angeles Times and the rest of the mainstream media put out every day. Rush then listed a litany of “phony” press stories. Global warming stories? “Phony!” Obama stimulus stories? “Phony!” Economic stories in the Bush years? “Phony!” Wormer? He's a dead man! Marmalard? Dead! Neidermeyer! -- sorry, got carried away there a moment.

Back from the break and it was time for another caller, this one upset over $19 million in aid the U.S. is sending to the Palestinians. Rush said we actually gave it to Hamas because -- as “liberals” think -- the “evil” Israelis destroyed Gaza. Rush said he shouldn't be surprised, Obama is wary of Israel and believes in the two-state solution. It's just liberalism acting up again. Then the caller asked if we borrowed the money that we gave to Palestine, and Rush said we probably printed it, adding: “And they say we can't come up with $2 million for the Somali pirates. Hell! We printed $2 million laying over at the FDIC somewhere or Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.” We're not sure why Rush wants the government to come up with the pirates' ransom money.

Speaking of the pirates, Rush offered up his solution for dealing with the pirate problem: "[I]f you really want to stop this, just blow them out of the water." Now, you may be thinking, “That seems problematic, given that it's kinda hard to tell a pirate boat from, say, a fishing boat.” Well, don't worry, Rush has that covered: “All you have to do is drop some leaflets or go on television -- go on Al Jazeera or something -- and say, starting Monday morning at 8, we're going to blow out any ship we see in this area. If you're not a pirate and just a fisherman, don't go to sea that day.” Of course, for that plan to work, you have to assume that a) every fishermen will see that announcement, b) no pirates will see or hear about that announcement, and c) the fishermen don't end up concluding that they'd rather risk death on the high seas than give up their livelihood in a poverty-wracked part of the world. Other than that, a fine plan.

Then it was time for some Cadillac-sized hypocrisy, as Rush offered a full-throated endorsement of General Motors' Total Confidence Plan, in which GM will make your car payments for you for a limited time if you lose your job. Rush lauded them for “trying to get started and kick-start a rally.” As devoted Limbaugh Wire readers can tell you, not two weeks ago, Rush lambasted GM for this very same program, saying: “Yeah, OK, well -- ask you a question here: With whose money are they going to pay for your car payment? Mine, dingleberry, and every other taxpayer's.”

Rush returned from the break with some more attacks on Democrats over immigration policy, claiming that “amnesty” is designed to expand the “Democrat Party” and kill the Republican Party, and that the Republicans' response is self-defeating. Then he took a call from a man who professed to be tired of hearing Americans complaining about their jobs being outsourced, saying they should invest in corporate America and become shareholders. Rush said jobs are outsourced for economic reasons: "[I]f you're sitting out waiting for a job that's now being done by a slumdog in India, and you're waiting for that job to be canceled, for the slumdog to be thrown out of work and you to get the job -- it ain't gonna happen. It's not the way economics works."

Rush then took a call from another young woman, this one from Minnesota, who had recently attended a cap-and-trade townhall hosted by Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-MN). She wanted to tell Rush about the “rude” liberals at the event who disrupted everything. Rush said they're probably ACORN. In all seriousness, it really is amazing to us the capacity for mischief Rush and his ilk can ascribe to ACORN. If they're not secretly infiltrating conservative protests, they're overtly infiltrating conservative townhall meetings, and all the while continuing to act in concert with Barney Frank and Chris Dodd to destroy the U.S. economy.

Rush closed out the show with another young caller, this one a student from Los Angeles who also was concerned at the “sensationalizing” of Obama in schools. Rush said “this is part of the plan.” He didn't explain whose plan, or what the plan was, but we're confident it involves ACORN.

Well, that's it for this week. We're going off to an undisclosed location for a couple of days for our “training.” When you next see us, we'll be throwing flaming copies of Atlas Shrugged at Fox News cameras. We hope to see you next week. Until then, you know what to do -- read up on Media Matters' carefully crafted and expertly researched Limbaugh coverage.

Highlights from Hour 3

Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: We don't have any money. Where are we getting the money for General Motors? Where are we getting the money for the banks? Where are we getting -- we're printing it.

CALLER: Exactly. I mean, so we should print more --

LIMBAUGH: And they say we can't come up with $2 million for the Somali pirates. Hell! We printed $2 million laying over at the FDIC somewhere or Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.

Blow them out of water

LIMBAUGH: I read the other day that naval and maritime experts had said that it would take 61 ships to surround and patrol the area where the marine organizers from Somalia are working. And you know, you would think -- OK, if you really want to stop this, just blow them out of the water. Just -- for just a week, everyone you find, blow them out of the water.


LIMBAUGH: So, they're on these little beat-up trollers that used to look like fishing ships, and until they make a move, you have no idea whether they're pirates or fishermen. So, you just can't start indiscriminately blowing them out of the water. Yes, you could.

All you have to do is drop some leaflets or go on television -- go on Al Jazeera or something -- and say, starting Monday morning at 8, we're going to blow out any ship we see in this area. If you're not a pirate and just a fisherman, don't go to sea that day.


LIMBAUGH: The whole thing about outsourcing -- even President Obama slipped up. I love this 'cause the teleprompter -- that teleprompter sometimes sneaks things in there that are not in Obama's best interest to say, but the teleprompter nevertheless makes him say them. And Obama got a -- he got a call during his virtual town meeting about outsourcing jobs. He said, “Look, those jobs aren't coming back.”

There's a reason they aren't coming back. They're outsourced for a reason -- an economic reason. And they're not coming back. And if you're sitting out waiting for a job that's now being done by a slumdog in India, and you're waiting for that job to be canceled, for the slumdog to be thrown out of work and you to get the job -- it ain't gonna happen. It's not the way economics works. Even Obama's teleprompter got him to admit that.

America's Truth Rejector

Reversed himself on the GM payment plan for people who lose their jobs:

LIMBAUGH: So, you know, GM, Cadillac, all their brands, they're trying to revive. They're trying to get started and kick-start a rally. And they're trying to reinvent the ownership experience when you buy a car from them. And they've come up with something called the Total Confidence Plan.

It starts with a fully backed five-year, 100,000-mile powertrain limited warranty, whichever comes first, and then, of course, On Star, which is standard on every Cadillac model, that safety and security for a full year. On Star is incredible by the way.

But this is where it gets interesting. If you buy a new Cadillac, they will help protect its retail value and trading time, and if you lose your job -- like if you're one of the 7,000 laid off in New York -- Cadillac will make your payments up to $500 a month for up to nine months. So go to CadillacConfidence.com -- all details and limitations are there. You have to -- there are some restrictions. You got to take delivery of your new car by April 30th. You can see a participating dealer for details.

But this is one of the things they're trying, making your payments up to $500 a month for nine months.

Ladies' man

LIMBAUGH: This is a strange piece, but, nevertheless, this piece, if it gets wide distribution, will set feminism back 50 years.

It's a story from a website called BitterLawyer.com -- BitterLawyer.com: “Law professors won't tell their female students this, but one method some women use to get ahead in the corporate world has nothing to do with grades, or professionalism, or hard work -- just fake boobs. In a recent Bitter Lawyer poll, 58 percent of those asked said that boob implants could only help a woman's career, the remainder of respondents were split on the matter. Just over 23 percent of those polled paid -- said that such cosmetic changes were 'irrelevant.' ”


LIMBAUGH: Can I redirect you to feminist truth number 24 -- undeniable truth of life number 24 -- written by me in the mid-80s? Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society. It's proved practically every day in our modern culture.

Clips from this hour:

Discussing breast implants, Limbaugh again claims “feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society”

Discussing immigration, Limbaugh claims “Democrat [sic] Party way is to destroy the U.S. culture in order to get votes”

Limbaugh “shocked” and “angry” that Somali pirates' bounty for hostage is only $2 million

Limbaugh on Somali pirates: “They are using the same techniques that community organizers like ACORN and others in this country use”