Romney Threatens To Cut Funding For Big Bird
Romney: “I'm Not Going To Keep Spending Money” On PBS, Big Bird. During the October 3 presidential debate, Mitt Romney claimed to “love Big Bird” while also promising to cut off funding for PBS:
ROMNEY: Sorry, [moderator and PBS host] Jim [Lehrer] I'm gonna stop the subsidy to PBS. I'm going to stop other things-- I like PBS. I love Big Bird, I actually like you too. But I'm not going to keep on spending money to borrow money from China to pay for. So that's number one. [Presidential Debate, via CSPAN, 10/3/12]
Right-Wing Media “Loves” Romney Promise To Cut Off Big Bird
Monica Crowley “Loves” Romney's Big Bird Threat. During the debate, Fox News contributor Monica Crowley wrote that she “loves” Romney's promise to end funding for PBS and Big Bird:

Dick Morris: Romney Threat To Cut Off Big Bird Was “Excellent.” During the debate, Fox News contributor Dick Morris said Romney's promise to end funding on Big Bird was “excellent”:

S.E. Cupp: Romney Threat To Cut Off Big Bird “Totally Worked.” During the debate, MSNBC co-host S.E. Cupp said that Romney's promise to end funding on Big Bird “totally worked”: