From the November 5 edition of MSNBC's Morning Joe:
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JOE SCARBOROUGH: But I'll tell you what I've always found is. And, you know, you and I had a back and forth with Mika about our interview with the Koch brothers. And you thought we were too easy on them. I remember interviewing Hillary Clinton in 2008 and actually I was -- I had such a nice, positive conversation with Hillary every time that she came on I felt compelled to apologize to Tim Russert. I said that's not exactly a tough interview. Maybe I was too easy on her. And he said, no, he goes, that was fascinating. By actually having a conversation with Hillary Clinton, you have just gotten more out of her than anybody else has the entire election cycle.
SCARBOROUGH: Mika pushed them.
MIKA BRZEZINSKI: I could sit there and bang them over the head for all of you or I could ask, is it right to buy influence? What do you make of the fact that you were able to influence the last election? And if you heard the answer --
BRZEZINSKI: They failed, it didn't work for them, and they're questioning whether or not they should take this tact again. Why would I attack that answer?