From the March 8 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show:
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RUSH LIMBAUGH (HOST): Donald Trump has actually put together the exact kind of coalition the Republican Party has been telling us that it needs in order to win. That it will not win if it doesn't succeed in branching out and expanding the party. And the expansion includes people that were normally qualified as Reagan Democrats, Hispanics, African Americans, women. Trump is doing it, and there is all mounds of evidence for it.
LIMBAUGH: Now, Trump is specifically making a play for this group. And in this group of people is white middle class voters who the Democrat Party has written off. And Dan Balz, I think it was Dan Balz, a former Washington Post columnist, wrote in November of 2000 -- I think it was 2011, yeah, yeah, 2011, that the Democrats planned to write off white working class votes. And if you look at Obama's economic policy, look at Obama's Obamacare policy, he is. White working class voters are persona non-grata. And Trump is getting them. He is getting them in droves. And the Republican Party doesn't want them. It's the most amazing thing. Trump is actually putting together what the Republican Party has told us is the coalition they cannot win without. And now apparently they really don't want to expand the party to include white middle class Democrats, Hispanics, and others from the Democrat Party if Trump is responsible for bringing them. Look at it this way, Trump has assembled a package the GOP says it desperately needs and wants in order to win in the future. But now they're not interested because they don't like the delivery company.