RUSH LIMBAUGH (HOST): I have theory folks. I think one of the reasons that real women, and let me define real women. I’m talking about the non-feminist, the non-victim feeling, just a woman happy with herself, happy being with a woman, wants to be in a relationship. Just what we've always thought of women. Not activist, not angry. Look, you know what I mean. I mean, not left-wing activists, feminazi-type women. You know the type of women I'm talking about, don't ya? The girl next door, the businesswoman, the woman that's confident, the woman that likes herself. Those are the kind of women we're talking about here. OK, wholesome American woman, beautiful in the eyes of someone. Yes, absolutely. I'm not talking about women that are angry, that feel like they’re victims of something, that think men are the biggest things and obstacles they face on earth and so forth. I mean, there's all kinds of people. And women tend to get typecast as monolithic, and the liberals are the ones that do it. The media, they typecast all women. They either become soccer moms, or they're angry, not being paid equally or whatever. They're always -- the thing in common with the way women are portrayed and caricatured by mainstream media and Democrats is that they’re always constantly mad, and angry, and feeling victimized and blaming men for it. And those are not the kind of women I'm talking about with my theory here. I think that the reason real women, like our first caller today, and like our last caller, and like pretty much all women that call this program, the reason they like Trump is the same reason the media hate the guy. And that is he's not PC-whipped. He's not politically correct whipped. He stands up for himself, he’s not ashamed of himself, he's not afraid, and he stands up and defends the women who work for him and the women who are close to him as is evidenced by the latest news today. And that is the exact reason why the media can't resist covering him despite themselves. He’s so different. He's so unbound. He's so unpredictable. He's so male. And they are at the same time offended by it but intrigued at the same time. Deep down, and I think you women will back me up on this out there, deep down no real woman respects any man who can be so easily PC-whipped, or woman either.