Fox's Krauthammer Attacks Black Lives Matter Platform By Fearmongering Over Fossil Fuel Divestment

Minority Communities Disproportionately Harmed By Fossil Fuels, Have Most To Gain From Climate Action

From the August 2 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor

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BILL O’RIELLY (host): For months we have been telling you that the Black Lives Matter movement is essentially a radical concern. Yesterday BLM put a list of demands on its website and they include reparations for slavery, whereby American taxpayers -- blacks included -- would provide cash for every single black citizen. ... Joining us now from Washington, Charles Krauthammer. Charles, I was right from the jump on this crew. They’re about as radical as you can get. Are they not? 

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: I think they are rather sad and pathetic. That looks like a list that was put together in a late night all-nighter because they’ve been criticized for being just negative and not having a program. This is a sort of a -- it is a really almost ridiculous list, a mishmash, a combination of 1960s New Left clichés and black nationalist clichés, strung together with a couple of bones thrown to limousine liberals for things like climate change. And when you look at it, you’ve got to say this is about as unoriginal as you can get. This idea of empowering the community, giving them direct control and payment, that's been tried for 50 years. It was called the War on Poverty. It was called the Great Society. And we know what the result was, all the numbers are in: $5 trillion and left not a trace. I don't take it seriously. I know you study it with biblical attention. But I think you are inflating their importance. 

O’REILLY: I know you do, but I’ve got to tell you --

KRAUTHAMMER: And you’re also inflating their coherence. They have no idea what they believe. 

O’REILLY: Coherence I haven't really commented on, but the reason that I take time to report on this crew is because the mainstream establishment media has empowered them, has made them noble crusaders for justice. And you know they have. That no matter how heinous and how hateful the rhetoric, “Oh, it's not them. It's just a few.” Whereby if you look at their leadership, you know this is the theme. But I want to explain to the audience what you just referenced. On one of their demands, the Black Lives Matter demands --

KRAUTHAMMER: Fossil fuels. 

O’REILLY: This is hysterical. “We demand investments in education, health, and safety of black people instead of investments in criminalizing, caging, and harming of black people.” So no -- can't put an African-American in prison. “We want investments in black communities determined by black communities and divestment from exploitative forces, including prisons, fossil fuels, surveillance, and exploitative corporations.” And then they want collective ownership, so basically they want communism. That's what they want. 

KRAUTHAMMER: But Bill, Bill -- even you are laughing at this. This is ridiculous. If you gave it one ounce of serious consideration you would know that the people who would be hurt by the abolition of fossil fuels would be particularly those people living on the edge whose power rates, utility rates would skyrocket. This is not serious. 


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