On Fox, Trump Spokesperson Claims His 2nd Amendment Comments Were Pointing Out The “NRA Is Very Powerful”

Katrina Pierson: “It Wasn't A Dog Whistle. It's The Truth”

From the August 9 edition of Fox News' The Kelly File:

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TRISH REGAN (HOST): Katrina, is that what it was -- a dog whistle? 

KATRINA PIERSON: No, it wasn't a dog whistle. It’s the truth. The NRA has 5 million members. There are 93 million legal gun owners in this country who, believe it or not, want to keep their rights to bear arms. Hillary Clinton wants to limit people's access to guns. This is a known situation. 

REGAN: So when he said --

PIERSON: There are documentaries on how powerful the NRA is, particularly in election cycles, and that's exactly what Mr. Trump was talking about. 

REGAN: In other words when he said they can do something about it, I don't know, maybe the Second Amendment people can do something about that, he meant -- 

PIERSON: Absolutely. 

REGAN: What? He meant organize? A constitutional amendment?

PIERSON: He meant keeping Hillary Clinton from -- keeping Hillary Clinton from having the Congress put more limitation on gun restrictions. Like I said, there are Democrats that won't even touch gun legislation in an election year because they know the NRA is very powerful. That's what Mr. Trump was talking about. If, for God willing, Hillary Clinton becomes president and gives us Supreme Court justices, we have to fight that. And the only way to do that is through the election cycle. 


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