ABC's The Note doesn't read the news

Or it does, and also plays dumb very well. (Distinct possibility.)

Here's Rick Klein's Note lede today, as he props up the claim that Obama gets a free pass from the press:

This is a fun day to play an old game: What would we be buzzing about if George W. Bush was still president? What, that is, would the storyline be the day after a fighter jet and a plane used as Air Force One spooked New York City, all for a photo op?

President Obama probably doesn't have to find out -- and therein rests a very big secret to his early success. This is Day 99, and proclamations to the contrary notwithstanding, the honeymoon is not over.

See, Obama's got it made because the press didn't make a big deal about the plane that spooked NYC. But boy, if it had happened under Bush, the press would have played it up big time!

Yeah, except that the plane story's A1, above-the-fold news in the New York Times today, has been all over the web for 24 hours, and been covered regularly (relentlessly?) on TV. Except for that, The Note is right that the fly-by story failed to create a news buzz.