McCain on waterboarding: “I believe that it is torture, very exquisite torture”
Hannity misrepresented bipartisan Washington Monthly essay collection, which included these statements:
- Former Rep.Bob Barr (R-GA): “Waterboarding is, in essence, a torturer's best friend-easy, quick, and nonevidentiary. It had always been considered torture by civilized governments such as ours-until, of course, this administration.”
- Former Dep. Secretary of State Richard Armitage and Reagan White House chief of staff Ken Duberstein: “Let there be no mistake: waterboarding is torture-and it should never be used by the United States. No less a hero than John McCain will attest to this.”
- Then-Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE): During World War II, U.S. interrogators “acquired” valuable “information without resorting to abusive techniques, such as waterboarding, that are considered to be torture.”
Kondracke: Waterboarding “doesn't result in any lasting damage”