Alex Jones reacts to subpoena of Roger Stone associate: “We all should pray to God that Robert Mueller is sent to a supermax prison”

Jones: “God, I can’t wait to see him in an orange jumpsuit”

From the May 16 edition of Genesis Communication Network’s The Alex Jones Show:

ROGER STONE (TRUMP CONFIDANT): This is not fun to have somebody poking through your emails, your text messages, your phone calls. It’s a massive violation of my Fourth Amendment rights and my right to privacy with no probable cause because I am guilty of no crime. It’s an extraordinary, almost Kafkaesque experience --

ALEX JONES (HOST): Because [special counsel Robert Mueller is] scared because he knows he’s the one going to prison. God, I can’t wait to see him in an orange jumpsuit.

STONE: Well, from your mouth to God’s ear --

JONES: He'll look like a really -- like a defrocked buzzard, a little orange jumpsuit with that big old ugly acromegaly head, up there all pendulous, I bet he’s going to crap his britches whenever he’s being led into that supermax prison. We all should pray to God that Robert Mueller is sent to a supermax prison.


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