From the May 29 edition of Genesis Communications Network’s The Alex Jones Show:
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ALEX JONES (HOST): Also Roseanne Barr, oh my gosh, goes on wild and racist -- even though it’s not -- tweetstorm about Clintons, George Soros, and Chris Cillizza, and you read it. You know Barr is such the big red hot thing right now and she was on the show a few times years ago because she said she was a listener. You can tell she’s a listener. And then she talks to my producer all the time, says, “Oh, keep up the great work. I’ll come on soon.” But never does. I wonder if she’s scared to come on as well because everybody’s got to be afraid of the trailblazer and the tip of the spear. You see our job is not to be popular with the establishment. Our job is to hit the barbed wire. Our job is to cover uncomfortable, scary things so that there can be a larger debate about it.