Alex Jones: “Trump Is Correct” To Call For An Immigration Ban, But Needs To “Tweak” The Language “A Little Bit”

Jones Says He's “Gonna Reach Out Today” To Give Trump's Campaign Advice

From the December 8 edition of Genesis Communication Network's The Alex Jones Show:

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ALEX JONES: So, Donald Trump is correct when he says we've got to cut it off total and complete. The brash way he put it will be good red meat for the grassroots out there that's sick of rolling over, but it will be spun as un-American and as unfair.

Well if they're not doing vetting of the people, then you do have to shut it all off. Not because they're Muslim, but because we don't know who's radical or a sleeper cell and so the bigger issue is until the government vets people properly, which the FBI admits they're not allowed to do, they admit that's not happening, before Congress a month ago and last week. We played the hearings.

So Trump needs to add the caveat and say, “The media needs to follow my full statement. We're not vetting these people, they're being brought in en masse. Now, we need to completely shut it off until it's fixed and until people can be investigated.”

That's very simple, and that's the federal law.

And I know Trump came out, remember a few months ago and said we should let them -- refugees -- in because he's talking about Christians, it's the right thing to do they're being killed, and I criticized him and others did and he backed off that real fast.

And I'm gonna reach out today because he's got some advisers there that are okay, people like [Roger] Stone really know what they're doing, and you know he needs to be obviously tweak this a little bit but they're going to really try to use it against him.


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