Train carrying Republican members of Congress collides with truck in western Virginia resulting in at least one fatality
NBC News: “A chartered train carrying Republican lawmakers to a retreat collided with a trash truck in Virginia ... and left at least one person dead.” From the January 31 NBC News report:
A chartered train carrying Republican lawmakers to a retreat collided with a trash truck in Virginia Wednesday morning and left at least one person dead.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said there was one confirmed fatality and one person seriously injured.
“There are no serious injuries among members of Congress or their staff,” she said in a statement.
The victim's identity was not immediately released, but President Donald Trump said Wednesday afternoon the driver of the truck was killed. A spokesperson for the Congressional Institute, which sponsors the retreat, said the person who died and a person who was critically injured were both in the truck. [NBC News, 1/31/18]
Pro-Trump media outlets suspect “deep state” conspiracy
Alex Jones: Accident involving train carrying GOP lawmakers was a “kamikaze” attack on Republicans that is part of “a civil war.” After news broke of the train collision in western Virginia, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones referred to the incident as a “truck kamikaze” and declared that the “country is in a civil war,” adding, “You can believe this was on purpose.” From the January 31 edition of Genesis Communications Network’s The Alex Jones Show:
ALEX JONES (HOST): This is breaking: Paul Ryan was onboard the train carrying lawmakers, a whole bunch of lawmakers, to a high-level GOP retreat. A truck kamikaze rammed it, a cement truck, a big truck, a dump truck kamikaze rammed it. And Paul Ryan was on board. There’s one dead. A bunch of people injured. But what’s the odds of this? No, this is a message, you better believe it. And they’re going to spin it and try to, “Oh, it’s no big deal, everything’s fine.” “Oh, Vegas isn’t Islamic.” Of course it’s come out it has. “Oh, there’s not multiple shooters.” This is a serious message, very serious message that we can get you anywhere you are. You go to your baseball practice, we’re going to shoot you. We’re going to come after your family.
Rammed the front of the train, killing the driver and derailing part of the train. I mean, this is amazing. So this country is in a civil war. You can believe this was on purpose. I mean, I’d say 98 percent chance. This is unbelievable.
You had two miles away in Washington Antifa meeting with videos and police raids saying they were going to derail trains at that exact place and derailing a train a month before, but nobody -- it wasn’t a passenger train. And then they go, “Oh, the driver admits that he missed the speed limit and just went ahead and went too fast around there.” Yeah, whatever. I mean, this is getting ridiculous. [Genesis Communications Network, The Alex Jones Show, 1/31/18]
Infowars’ Jerome Corsi: “YEAH, SURE. Trains w 200 GOP Members of Congress ALWAYS RUN INTO DUMP TRUCKS especially after #QAnon #Qanon8chan issues warnings FALSE FLAGS DEEP STATE COUNTERATTACKS.”
YEAH, SURE. Trains w 200 GOP Members of Congress ALWAYS RUN INTO DUMP TRUCKS especially after #QAnon #Qanon8chan issues warnings FALSE FLAGS DEEP STATE COUNTERATTACKS #ReleaseTheMemo @realDonaldTrump
— Jerome Corsi (@jerome_corsi) January 31, 2018
[Twitter, 1/31/18; Media Matters, 1/20/18]
Infowars: “Was the Deep State trying to send a message to globalist Republicans to get back in line – to jump off the Trump train – after the” State of the Union? Kit Daniels of the conspiracy theory website Infowars highlighted the supposed “weird circumstances surrounding” the accident, and asked if “the stalled dump truck crash [was] meant to send a warning to lawmakers to block Trump’s agenda?” From the January 31 post:
Was the safety signals for the train carrying GOP leaders outside Charlottesville, Va., hacked to ensure the train would crash – or was the incident completely accidental?
Was the Deep State trying to send a message to globalist Republicans to get back in line – to jump off the Trump train – after the president’s unifying message during the State of the Union?
Of course, the train crash might have been a complete accident, but nevertheless here’s some of the weird circumstances surrounding it so far.
“The evidence is everywhere every day, and it was on vivid display [at the State of the Union],” he wrote. “The president remains in a fighting mood, determined to keep punching his way forward.”
And remember, Trump’s agenda is often called the “Trump Train,” and after the State of the Union it appears that more and more Republican lawmakers are jumping on board.
So was the stalled dump truck crash meant to send a warning to lawmakers to block Trump’s agenda? [Infowars, 1/31/18]
The Gateway Pundit: “DEEP STATE RUMBLINGS.” The Gateway Pundit ran a story titled “DEEP STATE RUMBLINGS=> Rumors Swirl After Train Carrying GOP Lawmakers Hits Truck on Way to Retreat.”

[The Gateway Pundit, 1/31/18]
Rebel TV’s John Cardillo: “Remember, one of #ANTIFA’s tactics is to derail trains. As this was a special Amtrak for members of Congress, that must be investigated.”
Remember, one of #ANTIFA’s tactics is to derail trains.
As this was a special Amtrak for members of Congress, that must be investigated.
— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) January 31, 2018
[Twitter, 1/31/18]
YourNewsWire: “White House: GOP Train Crash Was ‘Deep State’ Assassination Attempt.” The fake news website YourNewsWire published a fabricated story that “White House sources” had made an “announcement” that the train crash was “a false flag orchestrated by the Deep State in an attempt to avoid the release of the FISA Abuse memo.” The article also cited “QAnon,” an anonymous person who has started a new conspiracy theory about Trump and the “deep state.” According to the article, this person claimed the train wreck was a ”deep state” attempt to cover up for “senior FBI and high-level Obama-era officials [who] are set to be directly implicated in prosecutable offenses”:
The Amtrak train crash featuring Republican members of Congress was a false flag orchestrated by the Deep State in an attempt to avoid the release of the FISA Abuse memo, according to White House sources.
According to QAnon, the White House staffer who has predicted the future with remarkable accuracy in the last two months, the Deep State is running scared and attempting to cover its tracks. Senior FBI and high-level Obama-era officials are set to be directly implicated in prosecutable offenses.
The timing could not be more auspicious. Trump aide’s have been warning that the Deep State could attempt a False Flag this week, as they desperately try to distract from the release of the FISA Abuse memo. [YourNewsWire, 1/31/18; Media Matters, 1/19/18, 1/08/18]
Freedom Daily: “There’s a lot of deranged people out there who would love to go down as the martyr to assassinating the most controversial president of our time.” Freedom Daily implied that this crash was in line with previous attacks targeting conservatives, like the Alexandria shooting before the congressional baseball game, claiming “this isn’t the first time that gop lawmakers have been in the news for an ambush.”
It hasn’t even been a full 24 hours since President Donald Trump’s first State Of the Union address last night and now we’re getting word of a train filled with GOP lawmakers at the center of a terrifying incident. It was clear that Democrats and their supporters were visibly enraged at last night SOTU hearing all the success in Trump’s first year that the country has greatly benefitted (sic) from. Now, as these Republicans were heading into a publicized retreat in Virginia, their plans were immediately derailed.
This isn’t the first time that GOP lawmakers have been in the news for an ambush. The former incident nearly cost Representative Steve Scalise his life shortly after Trump took office. At that time, a deranged gunman ambushed a Congressional baseball game practice. This time, something different is underway, with a train carrying members of Congress to a GOP retreat. Ironically, the incident took place right outside of Charlottesville, Virgina, the town at the center of politically-motivated rioting just a few months ago.
Liberals are already using the incident to attack these GOP lawmakers as an act of karma. Watching the left practically celebrate this terrible accident reaffirms Trump’s re-election in 2020. DemLibs are the scum of the earth unfit to walk among real Americans. This even comes after Trump called for unity.
Now, all we can hope is that President Trump makes it to the event unscathed as he’s heading there tomorrow (Thursday). There’s a lot of deranged people out there who would love to go down as the martyr to assassinating the most controversial president of our time. Such talk of threats have also been allowed to become commonplace as these actionable comments made publicly go unpunished. That’s perhaps what led to what happened in the execution attempt of House Majority Whip Steve Scalise who was shot in June in a deliberate attack on GOP members. [Freedom Daily, 1/31/18]
Neon Nettle: “GOP Lawmakers Pushing For FISA Memo Release In Massive Train Crash.”
A chartered train carrying dozens of GOP lawmakers to a republican retreated located in West Virginia has collided with a garbage truck south of Charlottesville.
The Republican lawmakers had one thing in common, they were pushing for the release of the FISA memo which would expose the death of the deep state spying on President Trump and the American public. [Neon Nettle, 1/31/18]