Fox’s Andy McCarthy admits Senate probe into Bidens “probably wouldn't be happening if it weren't an election year”
McCarthy: “It probably wouldn’t be happening if it weren’t an election year, but that doesn’t mean it’s an inappropriate inquiry”
From the March 6, 2020, edition of Fox News' Bill Hemmer Reports:
BILL HEMMER (HOST): Yesterday Romney was against this. What helped him cross the line today, Andy?
ANDREW MCCARTHY: I think that Senator Johnson satisfied him that they are not trying to do a political witch-hunt. They are very sensitive to the idea that they don't want to be seen as an adjunct to the Trump 2020 campaign, that they have a good faith reason for doing this. And probably most important to the extent any of the information that they are trying to subpoena and otherwise compel production of goes to potential criminal wrongdoing or privacy issues. I think Senator Romney wanted to be satisfied that that was being done behind closed doors, and the only things that would be done publicly would be things that the committee ought to be doing publicly in the way of oversight, not of political things.
HEMMER: In 10 seconds, it's an election year as well. How is that affecting this?
MCCARTHY: It probably wouldn't be happening if it weren't an election year, but that doesn't mean it's an inappropriate inquiry.