Coulter's response to NY Post plagiarism charges: “How crappy a newspaper is the Post?”

In her syndicated column, Ann Coulter appeared to respond to charges that her latest book and past columns contain several instances of plagiarism. Coulter wrote simply: “How crappy a newspaper is the Post? Let me put it this way: It's New York's second-crappiest paper.”

In her July 5 nationally syndicated column, right-wing pundit Ann Coulter appeared to respond to charges, first reported in a July 2 New York Post online article, that there are several instances of “textbook plagiarism” in her latest book, Godless: The Church of Liberalism, and in her weekly columns. Coulter wrote simply: “How crappy a newspaper is the Post? Let me put it this way: It's New York's second-crappiest paper.”

The Post reported:

John Barrie, the creator of a leading plagiarism-recognition system, claimed he found at least three instances of what he calls “textbook plagiarism” in the leggy blond pundit's “Godless: the Church of Liberalism” after he ran the book's text through the company's digital iThenticate program.

He also says he discovered verbatim lifts in Coulter's weekly column, which is syndicated to more than 100 newspapers, including the Fort Lauderdale (Fla.) Sun-Sentinel and Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle.

Coulter did not actually deny the charge -- she did not even use the word “plagiarism” -- but instead guessed that “the Post's constant harassment” is “an attempt to shake me down for protection money,” adding: “I have sold a LOT of books -- more books, come to think of it, than any writers at the New York Post.”

From Coulter's column:

Once considered a legitimate daily, the Post has been reduced to tabloid status best known for Page Six's breathless accounts of Paris Hilton's latest ruttings, and headlines like “Vampire Teen -- H.S. Girl Is Out for Blood.” How crappy a newspaper is the Post? Let me put it this way: It's New York's second-crappiest paper.

Maybe the Post's constant harassment of me is an attempt to shake me down for protection money like they did with billionaire businessman Ron Burkle. I have sold a LOT of books -- more books, come to think of it, than any writers at the New York Post.