Pro-Trump official in “key” Georgia GOP position complained about Jewish people “controlling everything”

Georgia GOP district chairwoman Kandiss Taylor also streams her show on the pro-Hitler and Holocaust-denying Stew Peters Network

Donald Trump with right-wing commentator and Georgia GOP official Kandiss Taylor

Citation Donald Trump with right-wing commentator and GOP official Kandiss Taylor; from Taylor's social media.

Update (8/29/24): After the publication of this article, Taylor appeared to deny saying anything antisemitic and blamed someone else for her social media post. She also issued a statement calling this article a “hit piece.” 

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Greg Bluestein reported that Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr (R) criticized Taylor and called for her to issue an apology or resign. Bluestein also wrote that “Georgia GOP Chair Josh McKoon has repeatedly declined comment” about the remarks. (Taylor has repeatedly expressed support for McKoon.) 

On August 28, Taylor issued another statement in which she claimed to “deeply regret that I did not more carefully answer a question posed to me in one of those interviews to make it explicitly clear that I do not buy into any antisemitic conspiracy theories.” 

Following her statement, Taylor went into attack mode. She repeatedly attacked Carr and suggested he’s afraid of her politically. She additionally wrote: “The people love me and know my heart. They know liberal left wing media twists and perverts.” 

Notably, Taylor has not publicly distanced herself from “best friend” and Hitler-praising Holocaust denier Stew Peters. To the contrary, when Georgia state Rep. Esther Panitch (D) asked her “why are you on a neo Nazi’s show AT ALL?” Taylor replied: “I can be on whatever network I want and be friends with who I want.” Taylor also told Panitch, who is Jewish: “America was founded on Jesus Christ whether you’ve received Him as your Lord and Savior or not. … The Bible says to go to your brother or sister, but you didn’t do that. Or do you not believe in the old testament either?” 

Update (8/30/24): Georgia GOP Chair Josh McKoon and Chuck Berk, the co-chair of the Republican Jewish Coalition’s Atlanta chapter, issued a statement saying that “Taylor does not speak for the Georgia Republican Party” and that the state party condemns antisemitism.  

Original article: 

Kandiss Taylor hosts a program on the network led by “best friend” Stew Peters, a Holocaust denier who has attempted to portray Adolf Hitler as a “hero.” She has also promoted antisemitism, complaining that Jewish people are “controlling everything” and alleging that “we have some Marxist trash using our R who pander to the Jews.” 

Taylor isn’t just a random commentator: She’s the District 1 chairwoman for the Georgia Republican Party. Atlanta Journal-Constitution reporter Greg Bluestein last year described Taylor’s elected position as a “key” post, noting that the state party “plays a role in mobilizing voters, marshaling activists and, most significantly, determining delegates for the presidential nomination.” 

In recent months, Taylor has been helping Republican-allied efforts to win Georgia for Trump. 

She recently posted a video about door knocking in which she encouraged her followers to sign up for pro-Trump campaigning. In June, Taylor helped open a Trump campaign office in the state alongside Rep. Buddy Carter (R-GA), among others.  

Additionally, she recently attended the Republican National Convention in Wisconsin as an alternate delegate. She has been emceeing events for the Leadership Institute, a right-wing nonprofit. And she has promoted a picture of herself with Trump. 

In addition to her activities on behalf of the Republican Party, Taylor is the host of the show Jesus. Guns. And Babies. on the Stew Peters Network. Taylor has called Peters her “best friend” and a “truth teller.” 

Peters is a virulent antisemite and Holocaust denier who has promoted pro-Hitler propaganda. Among his many remarks and actions

  • Peters praised the Nazis for burning books, stating: “When it comes down to the old Nazi book burnings, as they call them, it was justified. … It was awesome.” He said of Hitler’s role in book burning: “But for this, wasn’t he a hero?” 
  • Peters has also released a promotional video claiming that Jewish “perversion” spurred the Nazis, who were “pushed to their breaking point." 
  • Peters claimed: “Adolf Hitler and the rise of the National Socialists may be the most lied about people in world history.”
  • Peters has promoted the pro-Nazi film Europa: The Last Battle, calling it “one of the most important films you can watch.” That film defends Hitler as a hero and pushes doubt about the Holocaust. 
  • Peters has promoted Holocaust denial on his show.  
  • Peters wrote in response to a headline stating that the Nazis took “over Rothschild bank”: “Hiltler and the Nazis are the worst people in history! How could they possibly do something so positive for humanity?!??” 
  • Peters wrote: “Straight-faced lying about easily provable facts comes second-nature to the Jew. Is this a cultural or genetic phenomenon?” 
  • Peters wrote: “The dollar is purposely being tanked by Jewish-banksters within our own government” and “The US has merely served as a host nation for Jewish financial interests since the end of WWII.” 
  • Peters has claimed that Judaism is a “death cult built on the blood of murdered babies.” 
  • Peters said: “We don't have any representation in Washington. We have a bunch of people that are sold out to Jews.” 

Like Peters, she engages in antisemitism. 

In October, Trump ally Mike Davis wrote on social media: “The Democrat Party has been overtaken by Marxist trash who hates Jews.” Taylor responded: “We have some Marxist trash using our R who pander to the Jews. Not much difference.” (Update 8/26: After the publication of this article, Taylor deleted her post.) 

She is a repeat guest on The Stew Peters Show. During a February 14 appearance on the show, they discussed someone being charged for allegedly vandalizing a pro-LGBTQ mural. (Peters is virulently anti-LGBTQ.) While discussing pro-LGBTQ efforts, Peters asked Taylor: “No more funding our own demise — bioweapons and forever wars from the Jewish lobby that basically runs our entire government. And they run this as well, don't they?” She replied: “Yeah they run this. 100%. They're controlling everything.” 

Video file

Citation From the February 14, 2024, edition of The Stew Peters Show

STEW PETERS: By the way, just as a side note, Watch Slave Nation. This is how to get out of this. Real remedy. Moving the ball. No more funding our own demise — bioweapons and forever wars from the Jewish lobby that basically runs our entire government. And they run this as well, don't they?  

KANDISS TAYLOR: Yeah they run this. 100%. They're controlling everything.

Right Wing Watch also recently documented that Taylor has pushed religious exclusionary rhetoric. During her August 17 program, she criticized the concept of religious freedom for non-Christians and stated: “We shouldn’t be electing anyone in government—local, state or federal—that is not a Christian.” 

In addition to pushing antisemitism, Taylor has promoted conspiracy theories about Taylor Swift, Matthew Perry’s death being connected to the COVID-19 vaccine, and the Earth being flat. (She has denied being a flat earther.) She also suggested violence against people who criticize Christian nationalism.