All Networks To Air Obama Address

President Barack Obama's oval office address Tuesday night on the BP oil leak, which will be his first ever, is set to be shown live by all four major networks, including Fox, Yahoo News reports.

The same story also indicated that CNN and MSNBC would show the event, but said Fox News Channel had yet to confirm.

“While Fox News, the cable news network, has aired all of Obama's prime-time addresses and news conferences, the broadcasting network hasn't always complied with White House requests. Last September, Fox Broadcasting didn't air Obama's speech to Congress on health care reform or an East Room news conference a couple months earlier," Yahoo's Michael Calderone wrote. “On cable, both CNN and MSNBC confirmed to Yahoo! News that the networks will air the address. It's therefore likely that Fox News will also air it, but a spokeswoman did not immediately respond to a request seeking confirmation.”

Fox News has also been known to cut away from such events. We shall see what they do.