Boston Herald makes stuff up while attacking Obama's faith

I didn't realize the Boston Herald was this awful of a newspaper. (Honestly, I wasn't aware the Boston Herald was still publishing.) But wow, this was just an insanely hateful and hacktacular item about Obama vacationing on Martha's Vineyard.

Here's the lede [emphasis added]:

Another Sunday, another missed opportunity for President Obama to prove to America he's not a Muslim.

So yes, you get the idea, the Boston Herald plays the Fox News Lite angle:

Now you'd think, with polls showing that one in five Americans believe Obama is a Muslim - and with the furor over the president's flip-flops on the Ground Zero mosque - that his White House handlers might have orchestrated a nice little photo op of the first family doing a little vacation worshiping yesterday morning.

Got that? In order to “prove” his Christian belief, the White House handlers should have staged a contrived church photo op. Because, of course, if the WH did that outlets like the Boston Herald wouldn't then just mock the WH for staging a contrived church photo op in failed attempt to “prove” Obama is Christian, right?

Bad enough. But then the lowly daily just makes stuff up:

Because, despite the administration's insistence that Barry is a Christian and that he prays daily, most Americans have noticed that Obama rarely attends church. That's a noticeable departure from previous presidents, such as George W. Bush and Clinton, who were on their knees every Sunday.

As Media Matters reminded you yesterday, during his eight years in the White House, Bush rarely attended a local church. That's a fact. But today, the Boston Herald makes stuff up in order to attack Obama.