The media's almost comical Obama disconnect

I'm not sure there's a better example than this column published online today by You have to go read it just to get an almost crystal clear vision of the CW that now dominates the Beltway about Obama, and how that CW probably could not be more removed from reality.

From the CNN essay written by Julian E. Zelizer (and cliché alert, its headline is “Is Obama's honeymoon over?”), the main point is that Obama's now teetering on the precipice and that his presidency might hang in the balance. No joke:

June has been rough for President Obama. After experiencing enormous success during his first months in office, some of his political vulnerabilities have started to emerge...Does this mean Obama is finished? Not at all...But in recent weeks a candidate who was once seen as invincible is now seen as potentially vulnerable. This is when the sharks start to circle in American politics.

Zelizer hits all the CW hot spots: Obama's reeling and might even be “finished.”

The reality however, comes in the form of a new Washington Post/ABC News poll, which Zelizer carefully avoids mentioning in his doomsday analysis. The poll findings? Obama currently enjoys a sky-high 65 percent job approval rating.

Yet on this day, CNN publishes a column which raises the question of whether the Obama presidency is “finished.”

Behold your press corps.