Minneapolis radio host Chris Baker called Obama a “little bitch” who “won't even stand up to” “smoking-hot” Palin

While discussing Gov. Sarah Palin's assertion that Sen. Barack Obama was “palling around with terrorists,” radio show host Chris Baker called Obama a “little bitch” who “won't even stand up to a smoking-hot chick from Alaska.” Baker did not note that The New York Times article Palin cited for her claim about Obama's association with William Ayers reported that “the two men do not appear to have been close,” or that the Obama campaign did indeed respond to Palin's claim.

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On the October 6 broadcast of his Minneapolis radio show, Chris Baker said that Sen. Barack Obama has “got his panties in a wad” because of Gov. Sarah Palin's recent assertion that Obama was “palling around” with former Weather Underground member William Ayers. Baker said: "[T]his little bitch needs to stand up for himself. Sorry, I can't stand this. You want to be the president of the United States, and you won't even stand up to a smoking-hot chick from Alaska? How is he gonna stand up to the world's terrorists?" Baker continued: “I mean, this -- this guy -- this guy is -- he's a -- he's a wimp is what he is.”

Baker went on to read from an Associated Press analysis of Palin's comments, saying: “The Associated Press says, quote, 'There's another subtext for creating the false image of a black presidential nominee palling around with terrorists while assuming a predominantly white audience that he doesn't see their America' because, according to the AP, 'many terrorists are dark-skinned Muslims.' ” Baker added: “So, obviously, by her mentioning he hangs with terrorists, it's obviously racist. I mean that -- this is getting crazy. This wuss-bag needs to stand up for himself and answer the questions about his relationship with Bill Ayers and other terrorists and terrorist sympathizers.”

Baker did not note that Palin was distorting the New York Times article she cited for her claim about Obama's association with Ayers. The Times reported that “the two men do not appear to have been close. Nor has Mr. Obama ever expressed sympathy for the radical views and actions of Mr. Ayers, whom he has called 'somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was 8.' ” The AP analysis Baker cited stated: “Her [Palin's] reference to Obama's relationship with William Ayers, a member of the Vietnam-era Weather Underground, was exaggerated at best if not outright false. No evidence shows they were 'pals' or even close when they worked on community boards years ago and Ayers hosted a political event for Obama early in his career.”

Further, Baker did not note that the Obama campaign had indeed responded to Palin. On October 4, Obama campaign spokesman Hari Sevugan stated: "[T]he very newspaper story Governor Palin cited in hurling her shameless attack made clear that Senator Obama is not close to Bill Ayers, much less 'pals,' and that he has strongly condemned the despicable acts Ayers committed 40 years ago, when Obama was eight."

During the segment, Baker referred to Obama as “Obammy,” as he has done in the past.

From the October 6 broadcast of KTLK-FM's The Chris Baker Show:

BAKER: So he's got his panties in a wad because Sarah Palin -- who, by the way, is speaking as we speak, and I would really like to chip this but, well, we won't -- called him out on it. And it's a great quote by the way, let me -- let me see If I can lay that on you -- anyway --

LANGDON PERRY [KTLK radio show host]: Palling around? You talking about that?

BAKER: Yeah, she said -- well, we have it right? Do we have that? Yes, we do, somewhere here. 651-989-5855, by the way, is our phone number. But Sarah Palin was talking about Barack Obama and said this:

PALIN [audio clip]: Barack Obama says that Ayers was just someone in his neighborhood, but that's less than truthful. His own top adviser said that they were, quote, “certainly friendly.” In fact, Obama held one of his first meetings of his political career in Bill Ayers' home. And they've worked together on various projects in Chicago.

BAKER: Yeah, these guys know each other quite well. She was criticizing Obammy, basically saying that, “Well, he hangs out with people who see America as imperfect and imperfect enough that he's palling around with terrorists who target their own country, which Bill Ayers did.”

And, of course, what happens? Well, obviously, it's racist. I love that -- that it's -- this little bitch needs to stand up for himself. Sorry, I can't stand this. You want to be the president of the United States, and you won't even stand up to a smoking-hot chick from Alaska? How is he gonna stand up to the world's terrorists?

I mean, this -- this guy -- this guy is -- he's a -- he's a wimp is what he is. But the -- so the AP comes to defense of their man and says it's racist, because, apparently -- let me read you the quote. The Associated Press says, quote, “There's another subtext for creating the false image of a black presidential nominee palling around with terrorists while assuming a predominantly white audience that he doesn't see their America” because, according to the AP, “many terrorists are dark-skinned Muslims.” So, obviously, by her mentioning --

PERRY: Oh, boy. That's -- oh, God.

BAKER: -- he hangs with terrorists, it's obviously racist. I mean that -- this is getting crazy. This wuss-bag needs to stand up for himself and answer the questions about his relationship with Bill Ayers and other terrorists and terrorist sympathizers.