Politico claims Obama is personally attacking his foes; Politico just can't find many good examples

Paging the etiquette police! From today's breathless Politico report:

Obama strategy gets personal

It's a whole long piece about Obama, who's usually seen as being somewhat docile, is suddenly getting in people's face and calling out Republicans by name. (The GOP objects!)

The only problem is Politico can't really find any examples to prove that point. Well, Politico thinks it has great examples to bolster its Obama-gets-personal claim:

Mitch McConnell is in bed with Wall Street “movers and shakers” — and is fronting “cynical and deceptive” arguments on their behalf.

John Boehner is a health care Chicken Little to be mocked for predicting Armageddon if the Democrats' reform bill passed.

Sarah Palin can be ignored on arms control because she's “not exactly an expert on nuclear issues.”

And Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are just a “troublesome” twosome spreading “vitriol.”

But please note, did Obama derisively claim McConnell was “in bed” with Wall Street? Because that appears to be Politico's language. Did Obama make fun of Boehner and call him a “Chicken Little”? Because that appears to be Politico's language. Did Obama suggest Boehner should be "mocked'? Because that appears to be Politico's language.

Politico builds an entire article about how Obama's getting so personal (read: nasty), but Politico can't even point to a handful of examples to sustain the claim. So Politico has to embellish Obama's quotes to make them more nasty and personal.