Benny Johnson: “Senators must confirm RFK or face the absolute whirlwind of some very, very powerful forces of MAHA and MAGA that will absolutely torch them”


From the January 29, 2025, edition of The Benny Show, streamed on YouTube

BENNY JOHNSON (H0ST): Democrats take multimillions of dollars from big pharma, viciously attack RFK Jr with blowhard virtue-signaling speeches. They dance for their evil demonic Democrat donors. Ladies and gentlemen, they'll do anything for money from big corporations. They tell you they're for the little people, but they're the ones who supported COVID vaccine mandates, forced masking of your children, and remain silent when Dr. Fauci got a pardon. These politicians are totally and completely evil. They have no moral high ground. You should not respect them or even look up to them. They are worthy only of your shame and scorn. They are the worst type of people who slither and crawl on their bellies for money, will do anything. They have sick, creepy, personal lives. They are unhappy in their souls on as many SSRIs as they scream at you, they're happy. I'm so happy I'm on SSRIs. OK. You're not doing a great job proving that. Ladies and gentlemen, they've never made a single day or a single thing better for regular Americans. They have never protected America's children. They've done everything they possibly can to make their lives worse.

We are protecting our children, ladies and gentlemen. These senators are unworthy of a serious and moral nation. We are the ones actually leading the charge to save our country and to save our children in so many ways from the life issue to the health issue to the vaccine issue to big pharma. We are taking charge, and RFK is a good man who simply wants to protect our children, our next generation.

Senators must confirm RFK or face the absolute whirlwind of some very, very powerful forces of MAHA and MAGA that will absolutely torch them and will destroy their careers because you've proven to us what you actually believe in who you actually are.