Benny Johnson: “There's gonna be some turmoil, some ups and downs, as we exorcise the demons out of this economy”

“Prices are going down and going down quickly. I think this is how President Trump's going to defeat inflation. Obviously, there's gonna be some major pain in the system as that works out.”


From the March 11, 2025, edition of The Benny Show, streamed on YouTube

BENNY JOHNSON (HOST): Listen, I gotta tell you, I'm really excited about gas prices. I drove by a gas station this morning. When's the last time you saw gas below $3 a gallon in Tampa, Klein? I don't know. It was, like, a long time ago. Maybe not. I've lived here for four years. Maybe not since I've been here, actually. Yeah. Yeah. Pre-COVID. Like, it's crazy. But I saw it this morning. Gas blow $2 a gallon. Eggs are now cheaper than when Donald Trump took over in the White House two months ago. Egg prices are dropping and falling. My wife is, like, talking to me about our grocery price listing, and she's like, woah. Like, there are massive — we eat a lot of avocados in our family. It's like, this is unbelievable. Like, avocados for a dollar? So there's a, like — prices are going down and going down quickly. I think this is how President Trump's going to defeat inflation. Obviously, there's gonna be some major pain in the system as that works out, but you can see it already. 

Most people — I think this is a reality — most people and the people that you know and I know, they're not, like — they're not, like, living every single day inside of some type of, like, political cone where they're so locked in to politics. Most people just want cheap gas. Most people just want cheap groceries. Most people just want their roads paved and not to have potholes. Most people just want peace in their time and not forever war. Most people just want their dollar to be worth something. It's, like, pretty simple. For the vagrants and bums to be cleaned off their streets, for them to be able to walk with their kids on the sidewalk. That's it. Go out for pizza and ice cream on Friday night. That's literally what probably 90% of the native-born Americans want in this country. There's a psychotic 10% that wants to destroy this place, and we're gonna get to that in just a second because those people are being deported. But that's what most people want. So there's gonna be some turmoil, some ups and downs, as we exorcise the demons out of this economy. But ladies and gentlemen, I think things are trending very, very nicely for what most people want. What most people want is an affordable life.

This post has been updated for clarity.