Newsweek on O'Reilly's examples of Dems who deserve title of “traditionalist”: “two deceased Democrats and one who lost his party's primary”

In an interview with Fox News host Bill O'Reilly, Newsweek general editor Jonathan Darman noted that O'Reilly, in his latest book, Culture Warrior, “champions 'traditionalists' and scolds 'secular progressives,' ” and asked O'Reilly: “Are there Democratic traditionalists?” O'Reilly pointed to Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (CT), John F. Kennedy, and Robert F. Kennedy, prompting Darman to respond: “So two deceased Democrats and one who lost his party's primary.” O'Reilly then mentioned two other Democrats: “OK, maybe [Sen.] Evan Bayh [IN]. Maybe [Sen.] Barack Obama [IL]. ... But I could be wrong [about Obama] because he's cagey.”

From Darman's interview with O'Reilly, in the October 2 edition of Newsweek:

DARMAN: Your book champions “traditionalists” and scolds “secular progressives.” Are there Democratic traditionalists?

O'REILLY: Joseph Lieberman, John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy.

DARMAN: So two deceased Democrats and one who lost his party's primary.

O'REILLY: OK, maybe Evan Bayh. Maybe Barack Obama. From what I can see of him he does have traditional beliefs. But I could be wrong because he's cagey.