O'Reilly's Hypocrisy Problem Is Getting Worse

Bill O'Reilly has a hypocrisy problem -- and it's getting worse.

During the August 2 edition of his Fox News show, O'Reilly lashed out at those in the media and on the “radical left” who are, according to O'Reilly, “coordinat[ing]” through online mailing lists to brand Tea Party members as “terrorists.” O'Reilly claimed that using such language against one's political opponents is “simply unacceptable.”

As we pointed out, O'Reilly's complaints rang hollow because his network has a history of linking progressives and progressive policies to terrorism.

Now, just two days after condemning the use of “terrorist” language, O'Reilly used it himself to refer to opponents of fellow Fox News host Mike Huckabee. In a segment on tonight's Factor, O'Reilly told Huckabee that it seems as though critics of the latter's new controversial video aimed at educating children about 9-11 are waging “a jihad” against him.


Interestingly, just moments before O'Reilly made that remark, Huckabee complained that the left “loves to attack” when they cannot argue the “content” of the issue at hand. It seems almost needless to say, but the irony went unnoticed.