Sean Hannity guest Bill O'Reilly says Democrats “don't like white people ... and the result is a civil war in this country”

Sean Hannity guest Bill O'Reilly says Democrats "don't like white people...and the result is a civil war in this country"

Sean Hannity in suit smiling in front of gray background


From the April 14, 2021, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show

BILL O'REILLY (GUEST): Anybody who's fair minded know there's nothing racist or prohibitive about the Georgia law. Nothing. All right?

So, if you look at it, you read it, as you've done and I've done, there's nothing there that inhibits anyone from voting. 

So, this is our society now. If progressives say something, all their team is going to rally behind it, whether it's true or not.

There's no skepticism of it, and then the other side, the traditional conservative side, they react to it. What's really interesting is that the traditional conservative American core -- their team, the team -- they're not trying to tear down the country.

It's all almost a hundred percent coming from the progressive left. They don't like capitalism, they don't like white people, they don't like the education system, they want everything free. All of this is coming from one -- from the one team, and then the other team is reacting to it, and the result is a civil war in this country.