On BlazeTV, Steve Deace's producer claims “there's no such thing as homosexual rights”

Aaron McIntire: “There's no such thing as homosexual rights, but that's what we called them back then -- when it came to that, it was a perversion of the truth”


From the March 31, 2023, edition of BlazeTV's The Steve Deace Show

AARON MCINTIRE (PRODUCER): I don't remember so-called gay rights activists wearing rainbow flags with an AR-15 on it, saying, gay rights or else. Do you? Do you remember this, Steve? I mean, you would -- you would have a clear memory then I would back then.


MCINTIRE: Why do you think that is?

DEACE: I mean, they said, we're going to come for your children. We're going to -- but they meant that intellectually, morally, philosophically, they weren't, you know, building militias.

MCINTIRE: Why do you think that is now? The trans flag, the trans flag, the fusion of the trans flag with weapons. Why do you think that is? I think it's exactly because of what Jill said in the first segment after bleep Lord Nefarious says the forces of Hell are stepping up their game. When it came to so-called homosexual rights -- there's no such thing as homosexual rights, but that's what we called them back then -- when it came to that, it was a perversion of the truth. And it was easy, it was easy to get people to believe that poison pill. Just a spoonful of sugar, we just want the visitation rights of traditionally married couples. We just want the tax benefits of traditionally married couples. And most of the time any pushback to that was not at the premise of the issue, which is something that you actually brought up at the very beginning. If you go down this road, you're doing away with gender. No, the premise was, well, it's traditional, it's blah, blah, blah, you know, all of that stuff. And a functioning society should be a good enough argument. But most of all, the pushback to so-called gay rights back ten, 15 years ago, 20 years ago, was not based on the premise of the argument whatsoever.