Limbaugh's Sexism Continues Unabated
Written by Adam Shah
It has now been more than two weeks since Rush Limbaugh first launched his misogynistic attacks on Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke on February 29. As we've documented, Limbaugh's misogynistic attacks on Fluke continued unabated for three days, and he has since launched misogynistic attacks on other women as well.
Nevertheless, even in the face of an advertiser boycott, Limbaugh has continued to make extremely sexist statements. Last week, Limbaugh took Monday off. But each of the following days, he made sexist remarks.
Limbaugh Referred To The National Organization For Women As “NAGs.” On March 13, Limbaugh said: “Here is Terry O'Neill, she's the NAG president -- National Organization for Women -- the NOW gang. We affectionately call them the NAGs.” Limbaugh has often demeaningly referred to NOW as “NAGs.”
Referring To The President Of NOW As The “Head NOW Gang Babe,” Limbaugh Asked: “How Can I Be Anti-Woman? I Even Judged A Miss America Pageant.” On March 14, Limbaugh said: “You know, I have affectionately referred to the NOW gang as the NAGs, the National Association of Gals, for over 15 years. And the head NOW gang babe was asked what she thinks about that yesterday on television. Yeah. After 15 years. Outraged, they are outraged.... No, how can I be anti-woman? I even judged a Miss America pageant.”
Limbaugh Suggested The Republican Party Is Not Anti-Woman, Because Republicans “Take Women To Dinner. They Buy Women Diamonds.” On March 15, Limbaugh said: “The reason for the manufactured, false, it doesn't really exist, the attempt to convince people there's a -- Republicans have a war on women -- which, again as mayor of Realville, Republicans date women. They marry women. They have children with women. They take women to dinner. They buy women diamonds. They open car doors for women. And yet, there's this Republican war on women.”
Limbaugh Explained His Pet Term “New Castrati,” Stating That It Refers To Men Who Are “Bullied By Women And The Power Structure And Liberalism.” Limbaugh has described male supporters of Hillary Clinton as the “new castrati.” He has also said that President Obama and his male national security advisers are “the new castrati” because they followed the advice of women members of the national security team on Libya. On March 16, Limbaugh explained to a caller what he meant by “new castrati”:
LIMBAUGH: That's basically men with no guts who have just been bullied by women and the power structure and liberalism in general. And so, in -- when I do the imitation of those guys -- this is the new castrati -- basically, these are people that just have been bullied into total acquiescence with the liberal agenda. They don't stand up for themselves. They never stand up for what's right for themselves. They're just total appeasers. They just totally go along to avoid any resistance or confrontation whatsoever.
CALLER: So is castrati a play on words for castrate?
LIMBAUGH: Yeah, yeah. De-balled if you will.
Limbaugh Returned To Using The Term “Feminazis.” Also on March 16, Limbaugh returned to his trademark slur against women, “feminazis.” He said: “Oil has been, like me, a godsend. Well, it's the feminazis said I was a godsend this week at their convention. I'm not saying that, they are. They said I was a godsend. That makes me a God's gift to women.”