So who was the “source” who duped Breitbart?

In an interview with TPM on Tuesday, Andrew Breitbart confirmed that he had not seen the entire Shirley Sherrod video, y'know the video on which Breitbart based his claim that Sherrod was a racist. He claimed the edited video of Sherrod's remarks at an NAACP event had been sent to him by a “source” and the tape was already edited.

From TPM:

The crux of the Shirley Sherrod controversy is what she said outside of the two-minute video clip posted by Big Government -- whether she was, as she claims, telling a story about how she overcame racial prejudice while helping poor farmers in Georgia, or whether the clip is a good encapsulation of her views. So we asked Andrew Breitbart, the founder of Big Government, why he hasn't posted the full video.

“I don't have it,” Breitbart told TPMmuckraker in an interview. Breitbart said his source sent him just the edited clips at first, but is in the process of sending the full video.

Well, now that the entire story has blown up in Breitbart's face, he can answer the question: Who was the source who duped him this time?

'But the source is confidential!' I can hear Breitbart respond. Doesn't matter. There's a well-known journalism rule (not that Breitbart knows any of them) that says if a source burns you, and especially if a source burns you badly by knowingly peddling BS and making you look bad in the process, then any confidentiality agreement is off.

That certainly seems to be the case here since it appears Breitbart's “source” lead him to believe that the “white farmer” story Sherrod told took place while she was an Obama administration official overseeing “billions of dollars” in federal funds. But of course, that was false. The personal parable Sherrod told occurred nearly 25 years ago. So yeah, Breitbart looks bad and his “source” duped him.

So it's time to `fess up Andrew. Who set you up?