Fox host defends Trump holding the convention at the White House: “Joe Biden can do it from his house, but not the president?”
Co-host Ainsley Earhardt: “You can't argue, no matter how you're going to vote, yesterday was beautiful.”
From the August 28, 2020, edition of Fox News’ Fox & Friends
AINSLEY EARHARDT (CO-HOST): I thought this week was beautiful. You can't argue, no matter how you're going to vote, yesterday was beautiful. It was pretty to see the White House in the background, hear all the positive, God bless America songs, and to see those fireworks, and to hear all the stories of inspiring Americans, just everyday Americans.
BRIAN KILMEADE (CO-HOST): Yeah, for the last four days, but people are incensed because they think the president's using the White House for a political event. Well, there's no room in Joe Biden's basement — he didn't even show up at his own convention. The president wanted to go into Charlotte, then he wanted to go into Jacksonville. so he wanted to do it from his house. So why is — Joe Biden can do it from his house, but not the president?
STEVE DOOCY (CO-HOST): And Brian, I heard [Fox News chief White House correspondent] John Roberts make the historical point the other night —
DOOCY: It was in 1940 that FDR did his speech from the White House. Big difference though — it was on the radio. And this is my plug for Brian's radio show — and Brian will be on the radio one hour from now —
KILMEADE: Absolutely.
DOOCY: On all the great Fox News radio stations across the country.