Fox's Brit Hume reacts to Chauvin murder conviction by claiming America overcame systemic racism in the 1960’s
Hume: “Being called a racist and being shown to be a racist is about the worst thing that can happen to you. But, unfortunately, that has been weaponized now”
From the April 20, 2021, edition of Fox News' Fox News Primetime
BEN DOMENECH (HOST): What are your thoughts on Joe Biden's response to that today and what you heard from him from the White House?
BRIT HUME (GUEST): Well, I think Ben that a great many Americans, if not a distinct majority, would listen to what President Biden said -- saying that George Floyd's death was an example of systemic racism -- and be dubious.
I don't think Americans mostly think our country is systemically racist. I think most Americans believe it once was systemically racist, particularly back in the days of slavery but even beyond that and the period that followed up until the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s when Blacks were clearly subjugated, were treated as less than full citizens, were discriminated against in a multitude of ways.
But the Civil Rights Movement was one of the great successes in American history and awakened the conscience of the nation to the injustices that prevailed at the time. And huge strides were made -- legislatively and otherwise -- to overcome that.
Indeed, you might ask the question, Ben, whether any nation on Earth has ever made more strenuous efforts to overcome racial discrimination than this nation has.
And you know, one of the great tragedies, in my view, of this whole situation we have here is that -- that perhaps the greatest achievement of the Civil Rights Movement is a nearly unanimous consensus in America against racism.
Being called a racist and being shown to be a racist is about the worst thing that can happen to you. But, unfortunately, that has been weaponized now.