Cable news The Latest Media Matters’ Evlondo Cooper joins Hot Take to discuss why national TV news needs to talk about the drivers of, and solutions to, the climate crisis Article 08/26/22 2:21 PM EDT Gov. Greg Abbott refused to connect Texas’ recent devastating rain and flooding to climate change. National TV networks largely stayed silent as well. Article 08/25/22 2:01 PM EDT National TV networks get better at linking climate change to extreme weather events, but still largely fail to mention solutions Article 08/18/22 2:42 PM EDT National TV networks do a poor job of mentioning causes of (and solutions to) climate change in segments on global extreme heat Article 07/27/22 3:32 PM EDT National TV networks mention climate change in 32% of segments on global extreme heat Article 07/19/22 3:33 PM EDT Corporate broadcast and cable TV shows mention climate change in 37% of segments on Yosemite's Washburn Fire Article 07/12/22 3:45 PM EDT Cable news coverage of the Supreme Court’s West Virginia v. EPA ruling was a mixed bag Research/Study 07/07/22 2:15 PM EDT The Supreme Court’s EPA ruling is a major blow for climate action. Here’s how national TV news should cover it Article 06/30/22 10:18 AM EDT Broadcast and cable TV news shows mentioned climate change in just 17% of extreme weather segments in mid-June Article 06/27/22 12:49 PM EDT The EU's embargo on Russian oil causes gas prices to spike. Fox News falsely blamed Biden Article 06/06/22 1:41 PM EDT In 2022, national TV news coverage of extreme weather must connect these events to both climate change and our reliance on fossil fuels Article 05/26/22 2:13 PM EDT Cable news discussions of record-high gas prices on May 10 failed to hold the fossil fuel industry accountable Article 05/13/22 3:26 PM EDT Pagination Previous page ‹ Previous … Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Current page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 … Next page Next ›
Media Matters’ Evlondo Cooper joins Hot Take to discuss why national TV news needs to talk about the drivers of, and solutions to, the climate crisis Article 08/26/22 2:21 PM EDT
Gov. Greg Abbott refused to connect Texas’ recent devastating rain and flooding to climate change. National TV networks largely stayed silent as well. Article 08/25/22 2:01 PM EDT
National TV networks get better at linking climate change to extreme weather events, but still largely fail to mention solutions Article 08/18/22 2:42 PM EDT
National TV networks do a poor job of mentioning causes of (and solutions to) climate change in segments on global extreme heat Article 07/27/22 3:32 PM EDT
National TV networks mention climate change in 32% of segments on global extreme heat Article 07/19/22 3:33 PM EDT
Corporate broadcast and cable TV shows mention climate change in 37% of segments on Yosemite's Washburn Fire Article 07/12/22 3:45 PM EDT
Cable news coverage of the Supreme Court’s West Virginia v. EPA ruling was a mixed bag Research/Study 07/07/22 2:15 PM EDT
The Supreme Court’s EPA ruling is a major blow for climate action. Here’s how national TV news should cover it Article 06/30/22 10:18 AM EDT
Broadcast and cable TV news shows mentioned climate change in just 17% of extreme weather segments in mid-June Article 06/27/22 12:49 PM EDT
The EU's embargo on Russian oil causes gas prices to spike. Fox News falsely blamed Biden Article 06/06/22 1:41 PM EDT
In 2022, national TV news coverage of extreme weather must connect these events to both climate change and our reliance on fossil fuels Article 05/26/22 2:13 PM EDT
Cable news discussions of record-high gas prices on May 10 failed to hold the fossil fuel industry accountable Article 05/13/22 3:26 PM EDT