Cable news The Latest Gov. Greg Abbott refused to connect Texas’ recent devastating rain and flooding to climate change. National TV networks largely stayed silent as well. Article 08/25/22 2:01 PM EDT National TV networks get better at linking climate change to extreme weather events, but still largely fail to mention solutions Article 08/18/22 2:42 PM EDT National TV networks do a poor job of mentioning causes of (and solutions to) climate change in segments on global extreme heat Article 07/27/22 3:32 PM EDT National TV networks mention climate change in 32% of segments on global extreme heat Article 07/19/22 3:33 PM EDT Corporate broadcast and cable TV shows mention climate change in 37% of segments on Yosemite's Washburn Fire Article 07/12/22 3:45 PM EDT Cable news coverage of the Supreme Court’s West Virginia v. EPA ruling was a mixed bag Research/Study 07/07/22 2:15 PM EDT The Supreme Court’s EPA ruling is a major blow for climate action. Here’s how national TV news should cover it Article 06/30/22 10:18 AM EDT Broadcast and cable TV news shows mentioned climate change in just 17% of extreme weather segments in mid-June Article 06/27/22 12:49 PM EDT The EU's embargo on Russian oil causes gas prices to spike. Fox News falsely blamed Biden Article 06/06/22 1:41 PM EDT In 2022, national TV news coverage of extreme weather must connect these events to both climate change and our reliance on fossil fuels Article 05/26/22 2:13 PM EDT Cable news discussions of record-high gas prices on May 10 failed to hold the fossil fuel industry accountable Article 05/13/22 3:26 PM EDT TV networks did a poor job of covering climate and environmental issues on Earth Day compared to last year Article 04/26/22 3:38 PM EDT Pagination Previous page ‹ Previous … Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Current page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 … Next page Next ›
Gov. Greg Abbott refused to connect Texas’ recent devastating rain and flooding to climate change. National TV networks largely stayed silent as well. Article 08/25/22 2:01 PM EDT
National TV networks get better at linking climate change to extreme weather events, but still largely fail to mention solutions Article 08/18/22 2:42 PM EDT
National TV networks do a poor job of mentioning causes of (and solutions to) climate change in segments on global extreme heat Article 07/27/22 3:32 PM EDT
National TV networks mention climate change in 32% of segments on global extreme heat Article 07/19/22 3:33 PM EDT
Corporate broadcast and cable TV shows mention climate change in 37% of segments on Yosemite's Washburn Fire Article 07/12/22 3:45 PM EDT
Cable news coverage of the Supreme Court’s West Virginia v. EPA ruling was a mixed bag Research/Study 07/07/22 2:15 PM EDT
The Supreme Court’s EPA ruling is a major blow for climate action. Here’s how national TV news should cover it Article 06/30/22 10:18 AM EDT
Broadcast and cable TV news shows mentioned climate change in just 17% of extreme weather segments in mid-June Article 06/27/22 12:49 PM EDT
The EU's embargo on Russian oil causes gas prices to spike. Fox News falsely blamed Biden Article 06/06/22 1:41 PM EDT
In 2022, national TV news coverage of extreme weather must connect these events to both climate change and our reliance on fossil fuels Article 05/26/22 2:13 PM EDT
Cable news discussions of record-high gas prices on May 10 failed to hold the fossil fuel industry accountable Article 05/13/22 3:26 PM EDT
TV networks did a poor job of covering climate and environmental issues on Earth Day compared to last year Article 04/26/22 3:38 PM EDT