Daily Wire's Candace Owens: “There is something deeply demonic about surrogacy”

Owens: “When you consider surrogacy, especially surrogacy for the sake of surrogacy, there is something demonic about it”


From the May 25, 2023, edition of Daily Wire's Candace Owens

CANDACE OWENS (HOST): When you consider surrogacy, especially surrogacy for the sake of surrogacy, there is something demonic about it. Right? When you are doing it not because you can't have a child, right? Even worse. Right?


How are we allowing this to take place? How are people comfortable with this? Of course, I know that there are always exceptions to this and sometimes there are circumstances where there is a couple that has been trying to have children for 10 years, something is wrong with the woman's body and she agrees with her sister to give birth. And her sister, of course, is both the aunt and the person that gave birth to the child and it's forever in her life.

And, of course, in the comments one of you guys is going to give me one of these exceptions. But I don't pay attention to exceptions, I pay attention to rules. And there is something deeply demonic about surrogacy.