CBS poll finds most Tea Party supporters say their taxes are fair

CBS reports on April 14 that a CBS News Poll found that most Tea Party supporters say their taxes are fair. From CBS:

Yet while some say the Tea Party stands for “Taxed Enough Already,” most Tea Party supporters - 52 percent - say their taxes are fair, the poll shows. Just under one in five Americans say they support the Tea Party movement.

However, those most active in the Tea Party are less satisfied with the amount of income taxes they will pay. Fifty-five percent of Tea Party activists - those who have attended a rally or donated money - (about 4 percent of Americans overall) say their income taxes are unfair.

Americans overall are more likely than Tea Partiers to describe the income taxes they'll pay this year as fair - 62 percent do, according to the poll, conducted April 5 - 12.

Majorities across all income levels say their income taxes are fair, as do most Republicans and Democrats.

The findings are illustrated with the following chart:
