Charlie Kirk pushes the “great replacement” conspiracy: “They won't stop until you and your children and your children's children are eliminated”
Kirk compares Democrats to Soviets: “If you were ... any kind of ordinary person who criticized or opposed the Soviet regime ... that was enough to justify taking your stuff, sending you to Siberia, death camps ... shooting you and your entire family.”
From the March 1, 2024, edition of The Charlie Kirk Show, streamed on Rumble
CHARLIE KIRK (HOST): So this clip has gone viral. They wrote this book, White Rural Rage. Look. On this program, we've told you about the kulaks before. In Soviet Russia, kulak was a label the Soviets gave to their designated class enemies. If you were a small business owner or a successful peasant or really any kind of ordinary person who criticized or opposed the Soviet regime, they would then label you as a kulak. And that was enough to justify taking your stuff, sending you to Siberia, death camps, or shopping you -- or shooting you and your entire family.
In America, the regime is creating a new kulak. The new kulak are ordinary middle Americans. Rural white people are the acceptable target of American life. They're the ones it's okay to blame for literally everything bad in America. What causes systemic racism? Rural whites. Why is Joe Biden's approval rating terrible? Rural whites. They're only 20 percent of the American population. Why is New York and San Francisco falling apart? Somehow, rural whites, even though they never visited there. The left cannot comprehend that their policies fail because they're bad. They cannot comprehend that they lose elections because people can't stand them.
Instead, just like the Soviets one hundred years ago, they assume that they are wreckers. Their policies fail because they are evil people, lurking in America who just sabotage them for no reason. This is why the left literally needs endless, constantly increasing migration from the 3rd world. Because among people born in America, the share who are alienated by how much the left obviously hates them is constantly growing.
The great replacement strategy, which is well underway every single day in our southern border, is a strategy to replace white rural America with something different. Show 159, please. 80 percent of the map is red, but that is only 20 percent of the American population. They hate that they don't live in big cities. They hate those of you that live in rural and small America. They hate those of you that own land and have guns and believe in a better country, and they have a plan to try and get rid of you.
The same way that Joseph Stalin went after the kulaks, they wanna go after you. Those of you that live in Mankato, Minnesota. You live in Marshallton, Iowa, Evansville, Indiana, Peoria, Illinois. You're the problem. Didn't you know it?
You believe in God, country, family, faith, and freedom, and they won't stop until you and your children and your children's children are eliminated.