Charlie Kirk says he wants to work with the Trump administration to limit childhood vaccines
From the March 21, 2025, edition of The Charlie Kirk Show, streamed on Rumble
CHARLIE KIRK (HOST): I think — and let me let me interrupt you because we're running out of time here, and that's a great question. I live in an amazing medical freedom state here in Arizona, so I take this stuff for granted.
I want to try to work with Bobby Kennedy and President Trump to use some sort of federal money to say that you cannot force these extra vaccines on kids, especially those in religious environments. It's a serious issue, and I know producer Andrew's dealing with this right now in the free state of California. And anything beyond the 1980 schedule. And that is with — so I mean, you're talking about a — they're mandating the COVID shot now for six months old. And this is outrageous stuff, and so I think there has to be a role for the federal government. And my other piece of advice, David, we gotta go to a break, is try to work through the courts. There has to be some decision somewhere. It used to be ten vaccines. Now it's 72 shots for our babies. Something's not right, and our kids are sicker than ever.