CNN Boss Won't Shove Opinions 'Down Peoples Throats'

CNN President Jon Klein told that the news network is not afraid of expressing opinions by anchors, but will not force them at the audience.

Klein spoke in the wake of Wednesday's announcement that former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer and conservative columnist Kathleen Parker would co-host a prime time show in the fall.

“We've never resisted opinion. If you've watched our election programming, we've quite famously had a wide range of opinions on those shows,” Klein said in the Q&A. “What we have resisted is having our anchors insert their personal points of view for an hour and shoving them down people's throats. What we want to do here is facilitate lively, smart discussion, with multiple points of view. It's not that we're suddenly endorsing one side or another. This country already has a super-conservative network and super-liberal network.”