, please define “retracts.” Or, invents a story

Because this headline makes no sense, based on the facts contained in the article.


Jarrett makes, retracts charge Fox is biased

I'll just say right now, good luck finding White House Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett's so-called retraction, because it does not exist. Period. She never retracted her claim that Fox News is “biased.” just made that part up.

More awful journalism? Try this [emphasis added]:

The White House carefully continued its assault on Fox News Tuesday, as a senior White House adviser told CNN's Campbell Brown that the network was “of course” biased against the Obama administration, but immediately backtracked slightly.

And gee, how exactly did Jarrett play her role in the White House's masterfully, or “carefully,” executed “assault” on Fox News? She answered a question posed by a journalist.

What will that calculating WH think of next?