CNN's Jeffrey Lord Equates Security Fencing At DNC To Trump's Border Wall

Lord: “If It's OK For The DNC, Why Isn't It OK For The Southern Border Of The United States?”

From the July 28 edition of CNN's America's Choice 2016:

Video file

JEFFREY LORD: The other thing I'd just like to observe here with the sudden presence of flags, it's very interesting. When we come in here to this Wells Fargo Center, we are -- listening to these folks say “build bridges and not walls” -- we are surrounded by miles of fencing. In other words, the Democratic Party wanting security, I'm all for that, put miles and miles of fencing around here, which I see was today extended out beyond where it was. So my question would be the obvious. If it's OK for the DNC, why isn't it OK for the southern border of the United States?

ANDERSON COOPER (HOST): Well, there is fencing on the southern border of the United States, and there's border guards --

LORD: Well, I mean a wall. A wall. A wall. In other words, what they're doing here is exactly opposed to what they're saying -- 

COOPER: That's actually not true. There's fencing, and there's guards and --

LORD: Yeah, but it's not effective -- it's not effective though, Anderson. People are coming over the border all the time.

PAUL BEGALA: It's not effective because most of the people who are here undocumented come here legally and overstay their visa, or come here by airplanes. You have to build a very high fence to stop an airplane, Jeffrey. I mean, it's just not the same. These fences are very important. They're effective. The United States Secret Service is the one who does it, not either of the political parties.


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