Watch a CNN host call out the “sneaky move” the House GOP pulled gutting financial protections

Chris Cuomo: Repealing Dodd-Frank would “free[] up the Wall Street guys that wildly speculated and caused the problem”

From the June 13 edition of CNN's New Day:

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REP. CHRIS COLLINS (R-NY): What's the shame is we're not talking about our rollback of Dodd-Frank and what it's going to do for the community banks.

CHRIS CUOMO (HOST): Well, we should. Look, that's something that we really wanted to talk about because rolling back some of the only protections put in after that huge fiasco to keep it from happening again, done under of the cover of the Comey moment, seemed like a real sneaky move, to be honest with you.

COLLINS: We wanted to talk about this, 25 percent of the community banks in America have shut down because of the onerous regulations they can't afford.

CUOMO: But those regulations were put into place because you guys in Congress had allowed wild speculation and then bailed out the same people who wound up bankrupting thousands of Americans.


CUOMO: Big banks are going to be able to get freedom to speculate in a way that they couldn't before because of what you just rolled back. Isn't that true, congressman?

COLLINS: Well, sure. We are removing regulations, this is America--

CUOMO: So, it's not just about community banks and the little guy, and who the little guy borrows from, and Main Street versus Wall Street. You also freed up the Wall Street guys that wildly speculated and caused the problem. Isn't that true?


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