Watch this CNN panel condemn Republicans' failure to call out Trump's racism

Angela Rye: “It's like being constantly gaslit ... I'm told every day I'm on air that I'm racist because I call out racism. That is maddening to me.”

From the July 11 edition of CNN Tonight with Don Lemon:

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DAVID JOLLY (FORMER CONGRESSMAN): I hate these conversations because it forces Republicans to confront a reality that I believe, which is this president is racist. And whether that is a result of some type of financial elitism, whether it is because of being born on third base through white privilege, or whether it is a part of Steve Bannon's nationalism. This is why traditional Republicans struggle with his leadership. We can't forgive it, we can't normalize it. We can't suggest that he can be the figure of a party that we subscribe to. It's heartbreaking, it's not an easy conversation. It sucks. Everything about it sucks. But, this is the president and he is the leader of the Republican Party, and he continues to peddle what is very clearly racist tendencies. 

ANGELA RYE (CNN POLITICAL ANALYST): I just want to say, congressman, like, I wish the new members, the folks who have followed in your footsteps could at least acknowledge that. Like, that's all so many of us are saying. And at this point I'm emotional because we can't -- we cannot -- it's like being constantly gaslit, we're constantly being told -- I'm told every day I'm on air that I'm racist because I call out racism. That is maddening to me. And I'm crying about it because it's crazy and I wish that somebody who's a colleague of mine, like Alice [Stewart], could at least acknowledge that fact. Like, that is so frustrating. We're supposed to be talking about a twelve-year-old boy who was just trying to deliver newspapers, and the police are called on him in the Ohio, where Tamir Rice was killed, and the same age. I want to be acknowledged and see that this is not OK for our children, this is not OK for the future direction of this country. So, I want to say I commend you for saying what you said, it means the world to me.


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