Ainsley Earhardt asks why COVID-19 is infecting the “sect” of the inner city: “I've heard it doesn't discriminate”
“Why is it affecting that sect? Why is it affecting the inner city more than it is the rest because I've heard it doesn't discriminate”
From the April 2, 2020, edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends
AINSLEY EARHARDT (CO-HOST): Why is it affecting that sect? Why is it affecting the inner city more than it is the rest, cause I've heard, you know, it doesn't discriminate.
DR. STUART DITCHECK (NY PANDEMIC RESPONSE WORKING GROUP): Well I think areas where -- we're learning about COVID as days go on, and this is my point. The models are only as good as the assumptions. Every community is different, every city is different. In New York City, it appears that poorer populations are suffering at a greater rate, certainly of hospitalizations and certainly of poorer outcomes. That may have to do with nutrition, it may have to do with smoking, there are many factors that play a role but the facts speak for themselves. The densely populated areas of Brooklyn and Queens are being impacted in a greater fashion.