Fox Business host furious at calls for commission to investigate the government’s coronavirus response
Stuart Varney: “You know what that means? After the virus, investigate the president's actions and come up with some dirt.”
From the April 2, 2020, edition of Fox Business’ Varney & Co.
STUART VARNEY (HOST): We're seven months from the election, and the Democrats know they have a problem. Likely candidate Joe Biden is sidelined, he gets no traction. The primaries and the Milwaukee convention, they're in chaos. And even worse for the Democrats, the president looks good in the polls, his performance thus far against the virus gets popular approval. At this stage, the Democrats are not looking good.
So what are they going to do? Speaker Pelosi has something up her sleeve — how about a new round of investigations, timed for September and October, right before the election? The speaker went to the very friendly territory of CNN, and called for quote, “an after-action review.” You know what that means? After the virus, investigate the president's actions and come up with some dirt, some kind of a scandal, and put it all on national television, wall-to-wall.
Congressman Adam Schiff has joined in. Yes, he is back. He is demanding a 9/11-style commission — more investigations with him in the chair. There is no end to the Democrats' contempt for this president. Adam Schiff is just dying to get back on TV.
It is a desperate political strategy. What a gamble. The Democrats tried to smear the president with “Russia, Russia, Russia,” and Robert Mueller, and then impeachment, and now they're at it again. But what else can they do? Investigate, investigate, investigate, and come up with an October surprise. That is a gamble. If it fails, it surely opens the door to a second Trump term, doesn't it? That's my opinion, at least.