Fox News contributor denounces “outrage and shame directed at skeptics of mask-wearing”
Mollie Hemingway: “The outrage and shame directed at skeptics of mask-wearing is excessive and almost certainly counterproductive. ... The media have overstated their confidence.”
From the July 5, 2020, edition of Fox News’ MediaBuzz
HOWARD KURTZ (HOST): Mollie, you've got Mitch McConnell and, let's see, Kevin McCarthy, Chuck Grassley, Dick Cheney all saying wear a mask. A lot of media commentators — Sean Hannity's making a PSA, telling people to wear a mask. Why are the pundits so rankled that President Trump's not a leading proponent of mask-wearing?
MOLLIE HEMINGWAY (FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR): Right, the outrage and shame directed at skeptics of mask-wearing is excessive and almost certainly counterproductive. The CDC couches the evidence in support of widespread mask-wearing as undetermined — it's emerging, they say, but it's undetermined. And it's totally fine for people to wear masks, and it might cause no problems. But I think the media have overstated their confidence based on this, and just using it as a political cudgel. That's not good to do in times of public health crises.