Trump adviser and Fox contributor Karl Rove says Trump “may be more focused and disciplined” after COVID-19 diagnosis
Karl Rove: “When you're given lemons, make lemonade”
From the October 2, 2020, edition of Fox News’ Outnumbered Overtime with Harris Faulkner
HARRIS FAULKNER (ANCHOR): Fox News contributor Karl Rove joins me now. Karl, thank you for being here. Let's start there, how this immediately impacts things, and can the president just kick it virtual? His backers are — his supporters are kind of different, they want to be with him.
KARL ROVE (FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR): Yeah, they do, so he's going to have to figure out how to be with them in virtual ways. For example, he could do a telephone town hall, where literally his supporters are given a phone number to dial in, and he delivers a message over that. He also can deliver messages through the traditional means.
For example, let's say he spends a morning talking to different people around the country who are going to be adversely impacted by Joe Biden's vow in the debate to eliminate the Trump tax cuts — all of the Trump tax cuts. So talk to some middle-class families who are going to be negatively impacted by seeing their rates go back up, and their child tax credit go down, and that they're going to lose several thousands dollars a year in higher taxes. Have him talk to them, and then have him call into a program that he likes, and have him deliver a focused message to the American people on what that's going to mean to them.
So, you know, in politics, when you've got — faced with adversity, when you're given lemons, make lemonade. And the president's going to have to find a way to occupy the time in the next 14 days. And the irony is that he may be more focused and disciplined by doing so. He's not going to be going, you know, to Duluth, Minnesota —
FAULKNER: Oh, that's interesting.
ROVE: — and giving a speech for 70 minutes, and say something wild. He's going to be focused and disciplined.